Chloe Piene
La Bonne Dame, 2010
La Bonne Dame, 2010
Chloe Piene
- 1972 Born in Stamford, Connecticut
- Lives and works in New York
- 1997
- MFA, Goldsmiths College, London
- 1993
- BA, Columbia University
Selected Solo Exhibitions
- 2015
- "Valkyrie," Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Culver City, CA
- "Banner, Siden, Piene," Barbara Thumm Galerie, Berlin, Germany
- 2013
- Zeichnungskammer, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, NY
- 2012
- MDD - Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Belgium
- "Chloe Piene: Eiserne Frau," Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, Germany
- 2011
- "RFCP," with Roland Flexner, D'Amelio Terras, New York, NY
- "Malpertuis," Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Brussels
- 2010
- Rotwand Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
- Alon Segev Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
- "Malpertuis", Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Bruxelles, Belgium
- 2009
- Barbara Thumm Gallery, Artforum Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- 2008
- Chloe Piene and Hans Bellmer, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris, France
- Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, NY
- 2007
- Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, Germany
- Chloe Piene, Carr dArt Muse dArt Contemporain, Nimes, France
- Witte de With, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- "Bodies of Desire: Works on Paper by Willem de Kooning and Chloe Piene," curated by Klaus Ottmann, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
- Alon Segev Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 2006
- Lower East Side Print Shop, Benefit Etching edition of 75, New York, NY
- 2005
- Part I (Drawing), Sandroni Rey, Los Angeles, CA
- Part II (Video), Sandroni Rey, Los Angeles, CA
- Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris, France
- Mario Diacono, Boston, MA
- 2004
- Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York
- Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland
- 2003
- Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York
- 2001
- Profounders Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
- 2000
- Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
- Magazin4, Bregenz, Austria
- Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York
Group Exhibitions
- 2015
- The Marked Self Between Annihilation and Masquerade, curated by Roman Grabner, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz Austria
- The Bottom Line, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.), Gent, Belgium
- "Drawing Now," Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria
- "The Sky's Gone Out, Moore College of Art Galleries, Philadelphia, PA
- "Queensize, Selections from the Olbricht Collection, Me Museum, Berlin, Germany
- 2014
- "Astralis," Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, France
- 2013
- The Collection of Florence and Daniel Guerlain," Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- "Nouveaux Sculptrices," Villa Datris, L'Isle-Sur-La-Sorgue, France
- "WebSYNradio," Droit de cites, France
- "Radio Campus Bruxelles," l'Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
- "ARTE Video Night," ARTE Channel, France
- "Hair and Skin," Derek Eller Gallery, New York, NY
- "Someone Else," Dunedin Art Gallery, New Zealandl traveld to Villa Romana, Florence, Italy; Obersterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz, sterreich
- "Les Matres du Dsordre," Fundacio la Caixa, Madrid, Spain
- "the origin of the world the force of the source the cause of the vigor," Samson Projects, Boston, MA
- "Liebe, Tod und Teufel," Von der Heydt Kunsthalle, Wuppertal-Barmen
- 2012
- "Pauspapier," Charim Galerie, Wien, Austria
- "Itinerary," The Proposition, New York, NY
- "Les Maitres du Desordre," Muse des Arts Premiers, quai Branly, Paris, France
- "Hors les murs," Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Belgium
- "Highpoint Editions: Decade One, Curated by Tom Rassieur," Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, MN
- 2011
- Figured Spaces: Selections from the John Morrissey Collection, Schmidt Center Gallery, University Galleries, School of the Arts, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
- Compass, MOMA," Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany
- "Hans hat Glck," Castle Gandegg, South Tyrol, Italy
- 2010
- "Here She Comes," Galerie Kewenig, Koln and Fundacin Pedro Barri de la Maza, Corua, Spain
- "Zeitgenossische Zeichnungen" Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
- "The Visible Vagina" David Nolan Gallery and Francis M. Naumann Fine Art, New York, NY
- "Out Here In There" Leo Koenig Projekte, Curated by Bill Saylor, New York, NY
- "Je mehr ich zeichne; Zeichnung als Weltentwurf," Museum fr Gegenwartskunst, Siegen, Germany
- "Traits Pour Traits" Le FRAC Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen, Germany
- 2009
- "Access All Areas," Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin-Wedding, Germany
- "ARTE Video Night,"ARTE television, France
- "Elles," Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- "27 dessins pour le plaisir," Galerie de France, Salon du Dessin, Paris
- "The Cunt Show," Galerie Kewenig, Koln
- "Momento Mori," Musee D'Evreux, Evreux, France
- "Self Service," The Spaceship at Hayarkon, Jaffa
- 2008
- Imprisonment, Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
- The Florence & Daniel Guerlain Collelction: Select Drawings, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York, NY and FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
- Diana und Aktaion - The Forbidden Sight of Nudity, Kunst Palast Museum, Dsseldorf
- 2007
- "Zeichen und Zeichnung," Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria
- "Drawing," Florida State University, Tallahasee, FL
- "Delicatessen," Schmidt Center Gallery, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
- "Automatic," Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, NY
- "Small is Beautiful," Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, NY
- "Tease: Works on Paper," Mireille Mosler, Ltd., New York, NY
- "Between the Two Deaths," curated by Felix Ensslin and Ellen Blumenstein, ZKM, Karlsruhe
- "Animal," Lumen Eclipse, Harvard Square, dawn to dusk, month long outdoor screening in "The Pit"
- 2006
- Video, Musee d'Art Contemporain de Montreal, Quebec
- "Street: Behind the Clich," Witte de Withe, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- "I Walk the Lines," Barbara Thumm Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- "Nouvelle fabriques d'images et de sons," Frac Limousin, Limoges, France
- "Realm of the Spirit," Mike Weiss Gallery, New York, NY
- "This is Not a Love Song," Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Culver City, CA
- "Streams of Story," Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland
- "Beautiful Stranger," Belgrade, Serbia
- Cluster, Participant Inc., New York, NY
- ARS 06, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
- Will Boys Be Boys?, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art; Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, CO; CAMH, Houston, TX; Salinas Art Center, Salinas, KS
- 2005
- New Video, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin
- Printemps de Toulouse Festival, Muse des les Abbattoirs, Toulouse
- Drawings, Muse St. Etienne, St. Etienne, France
- No Ordinary Sanctity, DeutsheBand and Thaddeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
- Old and New Dreams, Artprojx, London
- Split Subjects, De Appe, Amsterdam
- Getting Emotional, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston
- Le Mlange des GenresCreatures Hybrids et Mysterieuses, Muse des Beaux Arts de Rouen, Rouen, France
- Works on Paper, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
- Contemporary Erotic Drawing, Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CT
- Vertiges, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse
- 2004
- Noctambule, Fondation Dosne, Bibliothque Thiers, Paris
- Boys Behaving Badly, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
- Thriller, Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Canada
- Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
- Esprit, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris
- Videodrome II, Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, ID
- Videodrome: 27 International Artists, Klausner Gallery, CA
- 2003
- Me and More, Kunstmuseum Lucerne, Switzerland
- Lust and Leisure, Voges and Diesen, Frankfurt
- Paradigms, Longwood Art Gallery, New York, NY
- Art Unlimited, Basel Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland
- Love and Hate, Ursula-Blickle-Stiftung, Germany
- Losing It, Fenton Arts Gallery, Cork, Ireland
- Video Topiques, MAMCS, Strasbourg, France
- 2002
- Liverpool Biennial, Tate Liverpool, Commission by FACT, UK
- Videodrome, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
- Inside the Whale, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York
- 2001
- Tattoo Show, Modern Art, Inc., London
- Legitimate Theatre, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
- Anxiety Disorder, Galerie Voges + Diesen, Frankfurt
- 2000
- New Video, Barbara Gross Galerie, Munich
- Her(s), Johanneum, Graz, Austria
- 2015
- Nieszcuchowski, Warren and Elsy Lahner, Drawing Now, Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria
- Knight, Christopher, Chloe Pienes videos have the power to disturb, Los Angeles Times, June 21
- Malbert, Roger, “Drawing People: The Human Figure in Contemporary Art,” Thames & Hudson, London, UK
- Queensize, Selections from the Olbricht Collection, Me Museum, Berlin, Germany
- 2014
- Malbert, Roger, Drawing People, Thames & Hudson
- Queensize, Selections from the Olbricht Collection, catalogue, Me Museum, Berlin, Germany
- Stout, Katherine, Contemporary Drawing, Tate Britain, UK
- Hazzo, Annie, Astralis, Daily Metal, February 17
- Astralis, voyage sidrant a lEspace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Vogue Paris, February 25
- Kallio, Mikko, "Interview of Chloe Piene by Mikko Kallio, 1/2; Puoli-Lehti
- "Vernissage Agnes Varda a la Galerie Nathalie Obadia" Le Quotidien de l'Art
- Unsparing Quality, Diane Rosenstein
- 2013
- Astralis, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton
- Bauman, Clara, "Hair and Skin," Corner Magazine
- Baker, R.C., "Skin Games," The Village Voice
- Heinrich, Will, "Hair and Skin, The New York Observer
- 2012
- Chloe Pienes Clinic, Beware!, November 30
- de Loisy, Jean, "Les Matres du Dsordre", Muse des Arts Premiers, ADAGP, Paris
- Leader, Karen J., Figured|Spaces Selections from the John Morrisey Collection, Schmidt Center Gallery, FAU
- Schmidt, Frank, Neuzugnge (New Acquisitions) 2001-2012, Kunsthalle Emden
- "The Iron Woman, Berlin Art Journal, January 12
- Sanos, Sandrine, "THE AESTHETICS OF HATE, Stamford University Press
- "Chloe Piene, Kunstbeeld, NR 4
- Patterson, Dane, Anthology
- Ackermanns, Tim, "Wenn Architekten auf die schiefe Bahn greaten, Berliner Morgenpost, February
- Meixner, Christiane, "Eiserne Hnde, Der Tagesspiegel (Kunst & Markt), February
- "Hammer Frau! Artinvestor, February
- "Artist Feature #13: Chloe Piene, The Witness, January
- Topel, Spencer, "Intersecare, Decomposition of Bach's Cello Suites with Sleeper 06, Cornell University, March
- Berner, Irmgard, "Eiserne Lady in Zauberkasten, Berliner Zeitung, January 17
- Nedo, Kito, Sddeutsche Zeitung, January 14 - 15
- "Chloe Piene: Eiserne Frau, Zitty 05, February
- 2011
- Bodson, Jean Marc, "Facettes de Soi et de L'Autre, Arts Libre, November 18th
- Vuegen, Christine, "Chloe Piene, H Art, March 3rd
- Lorent, Claude, "A Chacun Son Etage, Arts Libre, March 3rd
- Theatre Macabre, L'Express, January 28
- Rattemeyer, Christian,Compass In Hand, Drawings of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, Martin Gropius Bau Berlin
- Ferocitas Lions, The Edge
- Absinthe, Cover and Insert
- "Interview between Chloe Piene and Roland Flexner", Damelio Terras Gallery, January
- 2010
- Border Crossings, Foldout, Volume 29, Number 3, Issue No. 115
- Location, Location Artists Books & Editions, Minneapolis, MN
- 2009
- Pulimood, Steve, "Compass in Hand: Selections from the Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collections", Art in America, May 26
- Nesbett, Peter Ed., Diaries of a Young Artist, DAP, New York
- Spooner, Catherine, Kim Newman, Gilda Williams and Mick Mercer, Gothic: The Evolution of a Dark
- Aesthetic, Carlton Books, London
- Smith, Roberta, Compass in Hand: MoMA Pushes the Envelope in Works on Paper, New York Times, April 23
- 2008
- Maul, Tim, "Chloe Pienes New Skullptures", Afterart, July 11
- Doran, Anne, Chloe Piene, Time Out New York, June 4
- 2007
- Duponchelle, Valrie, Chloe la barbare et Jeppe le trublion . . . Le Figaro, p. 24, December 28
- Dagen, Philippe, Chloe Piene, cris et ricanements, Le Monde, p. 25, November 15
- Latorre, M & J, Lart entre pulsion de vie et de mort, La Marseillaise, November 10
- Schwabsky, Barry, At hand essay from Chloe Piene, exhibition catalogue, Carr dArt Muse dArt Contemporain de Nmes, France
- Duponchelle, Valrie, Berlin devient la capitale sereine des artistes, Le Figaro, October 4
- Gavin, Francesca, Ed., Hellbound, Laurence King Publishing, London, UK
- Russel, John, Ed., Frozen Tears III, Central Books, London, UK
- Koerner, Oliver, Chloe Piene, Monopol Magazine, October 2007
- Woeller, Marcus, Chloe Piene, Style Magazine Berlin, p. 125, March
- Gebetsroither, Ines, Chloe Piene at the Witte de With, Spike Art Quarterly, pp. 90 - 91, May
- Ice Cream: Contemporary Art and Culture, Phaidon Press, 2007
- Les Cahiers du Muse national dart moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Summer
- Harvard Review, Issue #32, Cambridge, MA, Spring
- Winant, Carmen, Double Exposure, Philadelphia Weekly, January 31
- Sheffi, Smadar, The American Nightmare, Haaretz, January 24
- Zur, Uzi, Desire Strong as Death Haaretz, January 23
- Abir, Lea, Thuggery, Time Out Tel Aviv, January 12
- 2006
- Kuspit, Donald, "Provocative Realism", ARTnet Magazine, December 18
- Sheets, Hilarie M. "Making Skin Crawl", ARTnews, pp. 102, 104, September
- Gronlund, Melissa, "Chloe Piene: Bite the Bullet", ID Magazine, p. 36, June/July
- Sheets, Hilarie M., "The Big Draw", ARTnews, pp. 98-103, January
- Piene, Chloe, Phonecall, One Star Press, Paris, January
- Gavin, Francesca, Printemps de Septembre Toulouse: Vertiges, ArtReview, December/January
- 2005
- Schwabsky, Barry, essay, Vitamin D, Phaidon Publishing
- Piene, Chloe, Egon Schiele, Catalogue statement, Neue Galerie, New York, November
- Masculinities, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, November
- Mack, Joshua, Emerging Artists: Chloe Piene: Joshua Mack on leaps of faith, Modern Painters, November
- Jauffret, Magali, "Toulouse s'abandonne aux 'Vertiges'", L'Humanit, September 27
- Ollier, Brigitte, "Toulouse Art-Corps" La Liberation, September 27
- Duponchelle, Valerie, "Chloe Piene, La Centaure," Le Figaro, p. 12, September 9
- Farb, Adrienne, "Chloe Piene" Telerama, pp. 90-91, September
- Printemps de Septembre a Toulouse Volume 2: Vertiges", Les presses du reel, September
- "Artists 'Getting Emotional' in a New Exhibition", Artdaily.com, August 30
- Vermeijden, Marianne, "Bellenblaas uw tekening gerust," NRC, August
- Brakewood, John Peter, "Que d` emotions!" Art Actuel, July/August
- Casadio, Mariuccia, "Chloe Piene Cut Through," Vogue Italia, pp. 359 - 364, July
- "Sweet Emotion", The Boston Globe, July 12
- Delgado, Dan, "It's totally gay, sort of", In Newsweekly, p. 14, July 27
- Streitfeld, L.P., "Defining Eroticism in a Techno-porn Consumer Culture," Sunday Advocate, July 10
- "Contemporary Erotic Drawing at The Aldrich", Artdaily.com, June 8
- Criqui, Jean-Pierre, "Chloe Piene," Artpresse, June
- "On Now, On Soon," Flash Art, p. 83, May/June
- Temin, Christine, "Getting in touch with their feelings", The Boston Globe, May 22
- Genocchio, Benjamin, "Erotic Goes Mainstream", The New York Times, May 8
- Getting Emotional, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, May
- Contemporary Erotic Drawing, The Aldrich Contemporary Museum, May
- "Spotlight: Getting Emotional," Boston/NE Gallery Guide, May
- Jermanok, Steve, "Sweet Emotion," Boston Magazine, p. 245, May
- Dagen, Philippe, "Les Corps Dchirs de Chloe Piene," Le Monde, April 30
- "Tear Jerker", Museums Boston, p. 24, Spring/Summer
- Collection and New Acquisitions, Walker Museum of Contemporary Art
- Chandler, Voelz, "Personal Experience Filters 'Boys'", Rocky Mountain News, February 18
- Devadanam, Steven, Hot Ass Art, Houston Press, January 27
- 2004
- Watson, Simon, Chloe Piene, Petit Mort, Issue Magazine, Issue 8, Fall
- Rosenberg, Karen, Show and Tell: Chloe Piene, New York Magazine, November 29, pg 136
- Garrett, Craig, Noctambule, FlashArt, October, pg 60
- Plocek, Keith, "In the Male," Houston Press, August 5
- Mekhail, Natasha, Visual Arts Review: Thriller, See Magazine, July 8
- Perspectives 142: Boys Behaving Badly, exhibition catalogue, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, June, pgs 12-13
- Cameron, Dan; Danto, Arthur; Vendrame, Simona, New York 03-13-04, Tema Celeste, May / June, pgs 48-57
- Dunn, Melissa, Whitney Biennial 2004: A Good Looking Corpse, FlashArt, May / June, pgs 63, 80
- Bonetti, David, Arts Really Big Show, Saint Louis Times, May 2
- Sterling, Kristin, Six Columbia Alumni Selected for Whitney Biennial, Columbia News, April 2
- Diez, Renato, Alla Biennale del Whitney: Torna la Pittura, Arte, April, pgs 104-111
- Heuer, Megan, 2004 Whitney Biennial, The Brooklyn Rail, April, pg 17 and cover art
- Khler, Andrea, Die neue Bescheidenheit, Neue Zrcher Zeitung, March 25
- Green, Tyler, Modern Arts Notes Five Fave Young Biennialists, ArtsJournal.com, March 24
- Schjeldahl, Peter, Whats New: The Whitney Biennial, The New Yorker, March 22, pgs 100-101
- Milroy, Sarah, Art in a Tremulous Time, The Globe and Mail, March 17
- Sozanski, Edward, Art: A View From the Front Line, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 14
- Fineman, Mia, Over the rainbow: Whats on view at the Whitney Museums escapist, moderate 2004 Biennial, slate.msn.com, March 12
- Kimmelman, Michael, Touching All Bases at the Biennial, The New York Times, March 12, pgs 1, 38
- Kunitz, Daniel, "Snapshots - and Painting! - From the Cutting Edge," The New York Sun, March 11
- Smith, Roberta, Art That Speaks To You. Literally., The New York Times, March 7, pg 30
- KNG, "Kunsthalle Bern: Chloe Piene," Basler Zeitung, February 28
- Henkes, Alice, "Chloe Piene in der Kunsthalle Bern," Kunst-Bulletin, February 20
- Mathonnet, Philippe, "Ces pulsions obscures..." Le Temps, February 17
- "Chloe Piene," Bernerbar, February 12
- Zwez, Annelise, "Der verfuhrerische Geschmack des Todes," Bieler Tagblatt, February 11
- "Austellung: Kunsthalle Bern, Chloe Piene," Praxis, February 11
- Miesch, Barbara, "Im Ausnahmezustand," Aargauer Zeitung, January 31
- SFD, "Ein allzeit verfugbares Studienobjekt", Linth Zeitung, January 31
- Dagen, Philippe, Chloe Piene Filme La Nuit en Plein Jour, Le Monde, February 11, pg 30
- Mhlemann, Marianne, Radikale Krperstudien, Der Bund, January 30, pg 13
- Tobler, Konrad, Schwere Lebenstnze in Schwarz, Berner Zeitung, January 30, pg B7
- Fibicher, Bernhard, catalogue essay, Chloe Piene, Kunsthalle Bern, January
- Triming, Lee, catalogue essay, Chloe Piene, Kunsthalle Bern, January
- Richards, Frances, Preview: Chloe Piene, Kunsthalle Bern, Artforum, January, pg 80
- Museums Magazine, New York edition, cover art
- Art Beat, Museums New York, Winter, pg 17
- Activist Trustee: The Judith Rothschild Foundation, Museums New York, Winter, pg 4
- 2003
- Love Hate, gallery catalogue, Ursula-Blickle-Stiftung
- Krebs, Edith, review, Die Wochenzeitung, August 28
- Princenthal, Nancy, Chloe Piene at Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Art in America, July, pgs 91-92
- Boyer, Charles-Arthur, Chloe Piene, Art Press, June, pgs 68-69
- Pollack, Maika, Chloe Piene, Gasser & Grunert, FlashArt, May / June, pg 90
- Richards, Frances, Chloe Piene, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Artforum, May, pgs 168-169
- Chloe PIene at Gasser & Grunert, The New Yorker, March 14
- Ewart, Mark, Losing It, Irish Times, March
- "Losing It," Art in Ireland, March
- "Losing it Lets it All Hang Out," The Examiner, March
- Laster, Paul, Chloe Piene at Gasser & Grunert, flavorpill.net, February
- Video Stars, Womens Wear Daily, January 7, pg 4
- 2002
- Prior, Lisa, interview, MAKE Magazine, Special Edition #92, pgs 36-37
- Self Portrait with Dog, postcard image insert, Cabinet Magazine, December
- Triming, Lee, The Liverpool Biennial, FlashArt, November / December, pgs 41, 50
- Video Topiques, catalogue, Les Muses de Strasbourg, October
- Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool International, catalogue, Tate Museum, Liverpool, September
- Johnson, Ken, Inside the Whale, The New York Times, February 8
- 2001
- Smock Off the Wall, Smock, Spring / Summer, pgs 122-123
- Honkavaara, Leena, Kalevala on Voimakas ja Brutaali, Helsinki Sanomat, May 5
- News: Insider Trading, FlashArt, March / April
- Pagel, David, A Poignant Intersection of Fantasy and Reality, The Los Angeles Times
- Erfle, Anne, Vorsicht! Weibliches Terrain, Munchen Kultur, February 20
- Video, Munchner Merkur, No. 21, January 26
- Hers, Steirischer Herbst, January
- 2000
- "3D-Archnemesis", Zing Magazine, Issue 11, Winter
- Shortlist, The New Yorker, January 6
- Hunt, David, Chloe Piene at Marianne Boesky, Frieze, June / July 2000, pgs 108-109
- Hirvi, Maria, Focus p psyket, Hufuudstadsbladet, June 1
- Kivirinta, Marja-Terttu, Valtapeli video-installaatioissa, Helsinki Sandomat, May 27
- Crashkurs fr Selbstdarsteller, Vorarlberger Nachrichten, May 3
- El-Himoud-Sperlich, Inge, Sich selbst inszenieren, Neue Voralberger Tageszeitung, April 29
- Ausstellung Chloe Piene im magazin4 in Bregenz, Vorarlberger Nachrichten, April 27
- Honkasalo, Laura, Itsekkit yrisi ja vankilakirjeenvaihtoa, Kuva, April 3, pgs 6-7
- Prior, Lisa, Chloe Piene at Marianne Boesky, FlashArt, March / April, pg 114
- SoHo Art Galleries: Chloe Piene at Marianne Boesky, The New Yorker, January 6
Public Collections
- Museum of Modern Art, New York
- Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
- Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
- FNAC, France
- FRAC, France
- Sammlung Hoffman, Berlin, Germany
- Centre National d'Art et de Culture George Pompidou, Paris, France
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
- Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca
- Burger Collection, Berlin, Germany