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Whitney Bedford

Love Letters

March 1April 12, 2014

This image illustrates a link to the exhibition titled Whitney Bedford: Love Letters


Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , March 1 - April 12, 2014, Installation view, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects; Photo credit: Robert Wedemeyer

Whitney Bedford: Love letters
Installation view

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , March 1 - April 12, 2014, Installation view, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects; Photo credit: Robert Wedemeyer

Whitney Bedford: Love letters
Installation view

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , 2013, Mixed media on canvas, 70, Photo credit: Evan Bedford

Whitney Bedford
Love Letter.5, 2013

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , 2014, Mixed media on canvas, 70, Photo credit: Evan Bedford

Whitney Bedford
Love Letter.6, 2014

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , 2014, Mixed media on canvas, 70, Photo credit: Evan Bedford

Whitney Bedford
Love Letter.7, 2014

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , 2014, Mixed media on canvas, 70, Photo credit: Evan Bedford

Whitney Bedford
Love Letter.8, 2014

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , 2014, Mixed media on canvas, 70, Photo credit: Evan Bedford

Whitney Bedford
Love Letter.9, 2014

Whitney Bedford, Whitney Bedford, , 2014, Mixed media on canvas, 70, Photo credit: Evan Bedford

Whitney Bedford
Love Letter.10, 2014
