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Rodney McMillian

Room to Live: Recent Acquisitions and Works from the Collection

October 5, 2013January 13, 2014

Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) LA, Los Angeles, CA

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Rodney McMillian, Representation of a Landscape as a Wall, 2012, Acrylic, latex, and ink on paper, 168 x 583 3/16 in., Installation view, "Room to Live: Recent Acquisitions and Works from the Collection," The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Photo: Brian Forrest

Rodney McMillian
Representation of a Landscape as a Wall, 2012

Rodney McMillian, Rodney McMillian, Representation of a Landscape as a Wall, 2012, Acrylic, latex, and ink on paper, 168 x 583 3/16 in., The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Photo: Brian Forrest

Rodney McMillian
Rodney McMillian, Representation of a Landscape as a Wall, 2012

Rodney McMillian, Representation of a Landscape as a Wall, 2012, Acrylic, latex, and ink on paper, 168 x 583 3/16 in., Installation view, "Room to Live: Recent Acquisitions and Works from the Collection," The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Photo: Brian Forrest

Rodney McMillian
Representation of a Landscape as a Wall, 2012