
Sean Duffy
Installation View, 2008
Installation View, 2008
Miami Art Museum

Sean Duffy
Installation View, 2008
Installation View, 2008
Miami Art Museum
Press Release
At the center of Los Angeles-based artist Sean Duffys work is a fascination with the phenomenon of repetition, the cyclical reoccurrence of movements in popular culture as well as in art, and such connected strategies as recycling and sampling. For his New Work exhibition at MAM, Duffy is creating an entirely new installation inspired by California pop culture of the 60s complete with a zebra-striped Toyota Land Cruiser, densely layered logos reminiscent of the eras custom car culture and a rondo-like soundtrack emanating from fire-engine red “Jerry cans.”
Sean Duffy: New Work is organized by Miami Art Museum and curated by Assistant Director for Programs/Senior Curator Peter Boswell as part of New Work, a series of projects by leading contemporary artists.