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Yunhee Min

Distance is Like the Future

July 7August 21, 2005

Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, CA

This image illustrates a link to the exhibition titled Yunhee Min: Distance is Like the Future


Yunhee Min, Installation View

Yunhee Min
Installation View

Yunhee Min, Installation View

Yunhee Min
Installation View

Yunhee Min, Installation View

Yunhee Min
Installation View

Yunhee Min, Installation View

Yunhee Min
Installation View

Yunhee Min, Installation View

Yunhee Min
Installation View

Yunhee Min, Installation View

Yunhee Min
Installation View

Press Release

Los Angeles-based artist Yunhee Min creates work by juxtaposing color and form in disarming and fascinating ways. While evoking the aspirations of 1960s’ Minimalism, her works are as unique and rigorous in their relationship to 21st century dialogues regarding painting, sculpture, installation, architecture and design. Each of her works explore the possibilities of the space it inhabits. Min describes her work as “a hybrid of painting, installation and architectural intervention.” She creates a subtle shift in a given environment, altering surfaces with color and architectural spaces with the spatial configurations of her installations to produce both a visual and physical experience for the viewer. Min’s attention to the push/pull effects of public and private space also imbues her work with thought-provoking sociological propositions.

