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This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Stillness #41." This artwork was created in 1999 and measures 12" x 9" [HxW] (30.48 x 22.86 cm) photo size; 20" x 16 ¹⁄₂" x 1 ¹⁄₂" [HxWxD] (50.8 x 41.91 x 3.81 cm) framed. Its medium is Gelatin silver print.
Laura Aguilar
“Stillness #41,” 1999
This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Nature Self Portrait #8." This artwork was created in 1996 and measures 20" x 16" [HxW] (40.64 x 50.8 cm); 21 ¹⁄₂" x 20 ¹⁄₂" x 1 ¹⁄₂" [HxWxD] (54.61 x 52.07 x 3.81 cm) Framed. Its medium is Gelatin silver print.
Laura Aguilar
“Nature Self Portrait #8,” 1996
This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Nature Self Portrait #7." This artwork was created in 1996 and measures 23" x 27" [HxW] (58.42 x 68.58 cm) framed. Its medium is Gelatin silver print.
Laura Aguilar
“Nature Self Portrait #7,” 1996
This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Stillness #37." This artwork was created in 1999 and measures 12" x 9" [HxW] (30.48 x 22.86 cm). Its medium is Gelatin silver print.
Laura Aguilar
“Stillness #37,” 1999
This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Center #73." This artwork was created in 2001 and measures 16" x 20" [HxW] (40.64 x 50.8 cm). Its medium is Gelatin silver print.
Laura Aguilar
“Center #73,” 2001
This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Untitled #107." This artwork was created in 2005-2006 and measures 17" x 22" [HxW] (43.18 x 55.88 cm). Its medium is Injet print on archival paper.
Laura Aguilar
“Untitled #107,” 2005-2006
This image depicts an artwork by Laura Aguilar titled "Untitled #109." This artwork was created in 2005-2006 and measures 14" x 18" [HxW] (35.56 x 45.72 cm); 19 ¹⁄₂" x 24 ¹⁄₂" [HxW] (49.53 x 62.23 cm) framed. Its medium is Injet print on archival paper.
Laura Aguilar
“Untitled #109,” 2005-2006
Born: October 26, 1959 in San Gabriel, California
Died: April 25, 2018 in Long Beach, CA
Self taught

Selected Solo and Two Person Exhibitions

"New Bodies of Work from Laura Aguilar," Esperanza Peace & Justice Center, San Antonio, TX
"Center," Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles, CA
"Stillness & Motion," Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles, CA
"Stillness," ArtPace, San Antonio, TX
"El jo divers ("The Diverse Self")," Fundacio "la Caixa", Barcelona, Spain

Selected Group Exhibitions

"For Dear Life: Art, Medicine, and Disability," Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, CA
"What Has Been and What Could Be: The BAMPFA Collection," UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA
"Perpetual Portrait," Vielmetter Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
"Ecstatic Land," Ballroom Marfa, Marfa, TX
"Our whole, unruly selves," San José Museum of Art, San José, CA (Link)
"Reclaimed," Linda Pace Foundation, San Antonio, TX
"normal love—precarious life, precarious sex," Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany curated by Renate Lorenz
"Mangnan Emrich Contemporary," Chelsea, NY, with Delilah Montoya
"This is not a Love Song," Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Culver City, CA
"Passing Through, Settling In: Photographs of the Desert," Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, curated by Kate Bonansinga
"Expressive Bodies: Contemporary Art Photography from The Kinsey Institute," The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, School of Fine Arts Gallery at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, with Lynn Bianchi, Joel-Peter Witkin, Frank Yamrus, Mariette Path Allen, and Pierre et Gilles; Traveling to Herron Gallery, Indianapolis, ID
"S.P.F.," Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
"Only Skin Deep Changing Visions of the American Self," International Center of Photography, curated by Brian Wallis and Coco Fusco, catalog
"AC," 473 Broadway Gallery, New York, NY, curated by Jeff Koan Baysa
"Fat Attitudes - an exploration of an American subculture & the representation of the female body," Columbia University, New York, NY
"Fusion: A Los Angeles LGBT People of Color Film Festival," Los Angeles, CA
"Koerper - Konstrukt - Schoenheit (Body – Construct – Beauty)," Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, Germany, with Olaf Breuning, Mona Hatoum, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Zoe Leonard, Bjorn Melhus, Orlan, Jack Pierson
The Armory Show, New York, with Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Culver City, CA
"H2O," Danese Gallery, New York, NY
"Der Akt in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts (The Nude in the Art of the 20th Century)," Kunsthalle Emden, Germany (catalog)
"water," The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
"Majestic Sprawl - Some LA Photography," Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA, curated by Andrea Feldman
"H2O," Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, New York (catalog)
"The Beautiful Gender: Transformations and Continuities", Sala de Exposiciones de la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, curated by Margarita Aizpuru, with Andres Serrano, Orlan, Cheryl Donegan, Martha Rosler, Nicole Eisenman, Daniela Steinfeld, catalog
"Art/Women/California: Parallels and Intersections, 1950-2000," San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA, catalog
"Super Sex," Post, Los Angeles, CA, with Nicole Eisenman, Nicoletta Munroe, Sharon Ryan, Naomi Fisher, curated by Michael Gold
"COLA 2001," Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, CA
"fotografia y sociedad," Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas Sofia Imber, Spain
"Made In California," Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
"Aztlan Today: The Chicano Postnation," Communidad de Madrid, Spain and Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY, catalog
"The Nude in Contemporary Art," Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT
Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Sunshine & Noir - Art in L.A. 1960-1997," Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, UCLA at the Armand Hammer Museum, Westwood, CA, Museum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany
"American Voices: Latin Photographers in the United States," Smithsonian Institution's International Gallery, Washington, D.C.
"Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago's "Dinner Party," in Feminist Art History, Armand Hammer Museum, UCLA, Westwood, CA
Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY
James D. Phelan Art Award in Photography Exhibition, San Francisco Camerawork
"Vital Signs," Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"P.L.A.N. -Photography Los Angeles Now", LA County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
"In a Different Light," University Art Museum of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
"Pervert," University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA
"Temporarily Possessed: The semi-permanent Collection," The New Museum of Art, New York, NY
"Encuentro Interamerieano de Artist Plasticos Exposicion," Universida De Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico
"New Photography II/ New Acquisitions Exhibition," LA County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
"Bad Girl," The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY
"Bad Girls West," UCLA Wight Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Aperto 93," LA Biennale di Venezia, XLVB Esposizione Internazionale d'Art 1993, Venice, Italy
"Breaking Barriers: Revisualizing the Urban Landscape," Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA
"Disorient: Perspectives in Colonialism," University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
"Ojo Abierto/Open Eye," Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, CA
"Working W/people," Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"L.A. iluminado," Otis School of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
"Forbidden Language: Beauty and Culture," University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
"All But the Obvious," Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
"El Dia de los Muertos/ The Day of the Dead," Los Angeles Photography Center, Los Angeles, CA and The Women's Building Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Image and Identity: Recent Chicana Art," Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
"Contemporary Latin Photography," Los Angeles Photography Center, Los Angeles, CA
"Mexican/Mexican American Photography," Mexico National General Archives Mexico D.F
"Visible Differences: Images of a Diverse U.S. Culture, A National Exhibition of 14 Photographers," Centro Cultural de la Raza, San Diego, CA
"Women Photographers in America 1987," Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Dia de los Muertos/ The Day of the Dead," Los Angeles Photography Center, Los Angeles, CA
"Seven Latin Photographers," Self Help Graphics, East Los Angeles, CA


DiQuinzio, A., Hejinian, L., and Butler, J. (2021). New time: Art and feminisms in the 21st Century. Pg 88-89. University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive.
Kuusinen, Asta, Shooting from the Wild Zone: A Study of the Chicana Art Photographers Laura Aguilar, Celia Álvarez Muñoz, Delilah Montoya, and Kathy Vargas, University of Helsinki
Jones, Amelia, Self/Image: Technology, Representation, and the Contemporary Subject, Routledge Press, London and New York
Selz, Peter, "On Racism, Discrimination and Identity Politics”, Art of Engagement, Visual Politics in California and Beyond, University of California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, CA, University of California, Ltd. London, England, San Jose Museum of Modern Art, San Jose, CA, pp.218-219 (image reproduction pg.219)
Davis, Angela Y. and Tadiar, Neferti X, "Beyond the Frame: Women of Color and Photography", Palgrave Publishers (in progress)
Mahon, Alyce, Eroticism and Art, "Erotic Fragmentation and Abjection”, Oxford University Press, England, pg. 267 (book with reproduced images)
Sinister Wisdom, No.64, Spring Issue, pg.7-9 (image)
Oboler, Suzanne, and Gonzales, Deena J. (eds), "The Encyclopaedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States", Oxford University Press
Lazzari, Margaret & Schlesier, Donna, "Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach", New York
Henry, Lisa, "Still Life / Natural Beauty", FotoFile, #44, November 2003, pg 16 - 20, Jones, Amelia, ARTFORUM, pg. 143, October issue
ZYZZYVA, Volume XIX.2, Fall 2003, pg. 81
Breen, Margaret & Blumenfeld, Warren (editors): "Butler Matters: Judith Butler's Impact on Gender and Queer Studies Since Gender Trouble, Ashgate Publishers (in progress)
"Only Skin Deep Changing Visions of the American Self ", International Center of Photography, catalog
Smith, Bill, "The Natural - Laura Aguilar, in the flesh", LA WEEKLY, Cover and feature article, January 10
Achim Sommer, Nils Ohlsen (Hrsg.), "Der Akt in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts" (The Nude in the Art of the 20th Century), Kunsthalle Emden, Wienand Verlag, 2002, pg. 89-90, 98-99
Mesa-Bains, Amalia, "Calafia / Califas - A Brief History of Chicana California"
Burgess Fuller, Diana, and Salvioni, Daniela, "Burning Down the House: Feminist Art in California"
Phillips, Sandra S., "Women Artists in California and Their Engagement with Photography", in "Women / Art / California - Parallels and Intersections 1950 - 2000", University of California Press, 2002, pg. 137-139, 173, 254
Nueva Luz, Commemorative Issue, May 2002
Aizpuru, Margarita, "The Beautiful Gender: Transformations and Continuities", Sala de Exposiciones de la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, exhibition catalog essay
Knight, Christopher, "Female Artists Just Foolin' Around", Los Angeles Times, February 22
Myers, Holly, "City, Too, Benefits from Grants", Los Angeles Times Calendar, June 7
Muchnic, Suzanne, "City-Sponsored Freedom", Los Angeles Times Calendar, Sunday, May 20
Davalos, Karen Mary, "Exhibiting Mestizaje - Mexican (American) Museums in the Diaspora", University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 2001
"Encuentro Iberamericano de Fotografia, catalog, pg 15
Willis, Holly, "'Air Raids' in Support of Local Video", Artweek, Vol. 32, issue No. 1, January
Jones, Amelia, and Warr, Tracey, "The Artist's Body", published by Phaidon Press, London
Hammond, Harmony, "Lesbian Art In America", New York 2000
Chicago, Judy and Lucie-Smith, Edward, "Women and Art", New York 1999
Rousseau, Ann Marie, "Of Heaven and Hell: Another Day in LA, Stillness and Motion, Laura Aguilar, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects", PHOTO METRO, Volume 18
Martin, Victoria, "Laura Aguilar at Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects", Artweek
Sichel, Berta, "Aztlan Today: The Chicano Postnation”, Exhibition catalog, published by Comunidad de Madrid, Spain, 1999-2000
"Egg The Arts Show”, Section "The Body”, KCET Los Angeles (with Carolee Schneemann and John Currin)
Rosenberg, Howard: ‘EGG’: It’s Not Always Just Breakfast”, LOS ANGELES TIMES, February 2
Nochlin, Linda, "Offbeat and Naked", feature article on, November
Smith, Roberta, "In Connecticut, the Scars of War, the Works of Peace", The New York Times, July 30
Cottingham, Laura, "Laura Aguilar”, ArtPace Exhibition Essay, May
McGovern, Thomas, "Depictions of Class in West Coast Photography", Artweek, January
Gerstler, Amy, "Art Attack", Los Angeles Magazine, November issue
Jones, Amelia, "Body Art - Performing the Subject," University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1998
"El jo divers" ("The Diverse Self"), Fundacio "la Caixa", Barcelona, SpaiN
Cruewell, Constanze, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/ Kultur, March 21
Gross, Roland, Berliner Morgenpost, Feuilleton, March 19
Huther, Christian, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, March 21
Deutsche Presseagentur, March 19
"Chicana Creativity & Criticism," 2nd edition, edited by Maria Hererra-Sobek and Helena Maria Viramontes; published by University of New Mexico Press
Jones, Amelia, "Sexual Politics / Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in Feminist art History," (catalog), published by UCLA Armand Hammer Museum of Art, Westwood
"Reframings - New American Feminist Photographies," pg. 242, 243, 244, 245; edited by Diane Neumaier; published by Temple University Press, Philadelphia
"In A Different Light," pg. 93; edited by Nayland Blake, Lawrence Rinder & Amy Scholder, published by City Lights Books San Francisco
Foto Fest 94, pg.37, The 5th Biennial International Festival of Photography
Museo de las Artes, Universidad De Guadalajara (catalog)
"Uncontrollable Bodies - Testimonies of Identity and Culture," published by Bay Press
Bad Girls (catalog), pg. 56, published by the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
FlashArt, Aperto 93 Emergency
La Biennale di Venezia, XLV Espozsizione Internazionale d/Art 1993
Frame-Work: The Journal of Images and Culture, Vol. 6, issue 1
Art in America, June 1992, No. 6, pg. 61
Frame-Work: The Journal of Images and Culture, Portfolio 1991, Vol. 4
The Photo Review, Vol. 13, No.3, summer 1990, Ed. Stephen Perloff, pg. 13
The Photo Review, Vol. 10, No. 3, summer 1987, Ed. Stephen Perloff

Public Collections

The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
DG Bank Collection, Frankfurt, Germany
State Finance Office of Hessen, Germany
Latin American Art, Scottsdale, Arizona
Light Work, Syracuse, New York
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, California
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, New York
Santa Monica Cultural Affairs Department, Santa Monica, California
Stanford University, Stanford, California

Awards, Grants and Fellowships

Anonymous Was A Woman Award, New York, 2000
COLA, Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, Los Angeles, 2000
ArtPace, Residency, San Antonio, Texas, 1999
California Community Foundation's J. Paul Getty Grant for the Visual Arts, 1998
The James D. Phelan Art Award - Photography, sponsored by the San Francisco Foundation, administered by SF Camerawork, 1995
California Arts Council Fellowship, California Arts Council, Los Angeles, CA, 1994/95
Artist in Residence Grant, California Arts Council, through the Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center, 1991-94