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Steve Roden

When everything is scattered, it is necessary to collect the pieces ... differently

September 14November 12, 2017

Kunsthalle Mulhouse

This image illustrates a link to the exhibition titled Steve Roden: When everything is scattered, it is necessary to collect the pieces … differently


Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Steve Roden
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Installation View

Press Release

The Kunsthalle Mulhouse welcomes When everything is scattered, it is necessary to collect the pieces … differently , a monographic exhibition of the American artist Steve Roden from September 14 to November 12, 2017.

Steve Roden, a visual and sound artist, develops a multifaceted work. He invented systems based on musical scores, words, maps, and prints, which then guided him to his plastic and sound works. The inspiring source material becomes a kind of formal skeleton on which finished work is constructed.

This exhibition will bring together these different forms of specific notations, as well as films, pieces and sound sculptures. Through this layout, there are sets of visual and textual correspondences in which the representation of the sound is intrinsic to each piece.

Steve Roden creates one and the same space for various works echoing each other, thus sketching the partition of an experience of the sensible left to the interpretation of each.

Steve Roden (1964) is a visual and sound artist from Los Angeles, living in Pasadena. Since the late 1980s, Steve Roden’s works have been exhibited in museums, galleries and public spaces in the US and internationally: Galleries Susanne Vielmetter LA Projects (Los Angeles) and Studio La Città (Verona) the Museum of Contemporary Art (San Diego), the Hammer Museum / UCLA (Los Angeles), the National Museum of Contemporary Art (Athens), the Mercosul Biennale (Porto Alegre), the Georges Pompidou Center Singuhr-Hoergalerie (Berlin), the Serpentine Gallery (London), the Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco), and the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis). He has also performed many recordings and concerts.
